Fireworks (hanabi) in Kyoto

7 08 2009

We got up at 7am, had breakfast, made bento, packed our bags, checked out and walked to the station to be on the train by 8.45am. From Hiroshima it was over 6 hours to Kyoto, transferring at Itozaki, Okayama and Aioi. We arrived in Kyoto at 3.30pm. After picking up some maps at the TIC we dropped our bags off at the hostel, went shopping for groceries, made dinner and went out to fireworks at Lake Biwa. It was sooo hot and humid. These summer fireworks (hanabi) were huge – over 10,000 fireworks and 350,000 people. Lots of the girls were in their yukata.

We returned in the throng of people to Kyoto station then returned to the hostel, having an iced chai latte before bed. It was still very hot and humid.

Summer fireworks over Lake Biwa.

Summer fireworks over Lake Biwa.